Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular – Your Guide to the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular at the MN Zoo

Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular – Your Guide to the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular at the MN Zoo

Attending the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular at the Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley, MN is one of my newest “must-do” events for fall and specifically for Halloween. The Zoo is transformed into an illuminated display of over 5,000 carved pumpkins spread throughout the quarter-mile path through the trees.

The energy and excitement of seeing these beautifully carved pumpkins will excite every one of all ages. The Minnesota Zoo Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular usually runs for 5 weeks starting October 1 and runs through the first weekend in November.

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Buy Tickets Online

The Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular is a very popular event. So popular in fact, most nights often sell out. Especially on the weekends!! Avoid the disappointment of not being able to attend by buying your tickets online.  And EARLY if you have a specific night or time you want to attend.

Tickets are sold in hourly timeslots 7:00-9:00 on weekdays and 7:00-10:00 on weekends. The Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular also offers a 6:00 pre-sunset option with no fog machines or strobe lights for those with sensory needs. The Access nights are only offered during the final week of the event.


The 9:00 and 10:00 entrance times offer a $2 discount per ticket!!

Don’t assume the dates after Halloween will still have availability. These dates also are known to sell out!! Every year I have gone, there are always people standing outside the door upset the sign says sold out. Take my advice, buy your tickets EARLY!!!

Minnesota Zoo Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular

Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular Parking

The Minnesota Zoo is of course normally only open during the day and doesn’t need a lot of lights in the parking lot. This is fine on a normal day but if you are going to the Minnesota Zoo Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular it makes it a bit difficult to find your car in the dark. Don’t get me wrong, there are SOME lights but not a lot.

My suggestion, even if it’s cold, find a spot near the back or end of the parking row. You will have a much easier time finding your car. Another option is to buy a ticket for the last entrance of the night. Most of the crowds move out by the time you are done and you will have fewer cars in the parking lot.

Paul and Babe pumpkin at the Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular

Ok to be a little late

The Minnesota Zoo Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular website states you should plan on getting there 30 minutes early. While I understand their thought process, I would NOT recommend getting there this early.

There is a short 10-minute walk from the front gate to the pumpkins but they don’t let you in before your ticketed entrance time. If you get there 30 minutes early you still have to wait with the mass of people who also have that same ticketed entrance time.  

If you get there at the recommended 30 minutes early, you will find yourself standing around waiting to get in. When it’s colder out, you will be thankful you were a bit ”late.”

Dress Appropriately

This really should not need to be explained but I often see people dressed more for fashion than function. First, the Minnesota Zoo Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular is OUTSIDE and FALL in Minnesota. It can be cold. Check the weather forecast people!! Coats, Hats, Mittens, Socks…yes I’ve seen people wear sandals with no socks.


Speaking of footwear, the real reason I’ve added a comment on dressing appropriately for the Minnesota Zoo Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular is shoes. Yes, shoes. I LOVE shoes and I own everything from tennis shoes and ballet flats to 4-inch stilettos. I can and do wear heels all the time. But there is a time and a place… every year I’m amazed to see how many people show up wearing heels.

I get it, I love my heels but the ground is uneven the path is dark and the edges are steep. You do NOT want to lose your balance or miss-step in heels. It’s a sprained ankle in the making… It’s just not a good idea. Keep yourself safe and wear flats.

Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular is More than just Pumpkins

As I mentioned earlier there is a 10-minute walk from the front gate to the pumpkins. This, however, does not mean it’s boring. Far from it actually! All along the path, the Minnesota Zoo has added lights, fog machines, illuminated blowup animals, and speakers playing Halloween sounds and songs.

A new addition is a live music to keep you entertained while you wait to see the pumpkins.

Music as the Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular

There are also food kiosks, food trucks, and adult and kid-friendly beverage stands. The food options are mostly snacks like popcorn, chips, and cookies. They also do offer more food like corn dogs and nachos. I recommend eating before you go to the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular but if you need a little snack, there are some options.  

There are also food, drink, and restroom options available about halfway through the pumpkins. You have a lot of opportunities to get food, drinks and maybe most important a restroom!


This one surprised me… they serve ADULT beverages at the Minnesota Zoo Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular!! I don’t know why this surprised me but it did. They offer a small selection of beer and wine but nothing says fall like hot apple cider or hot chocolate. Add a shot of cinnamon whiskey to really warm yourself up!!

The line at the gate is usually long so skip the first spot you see. They have more adult beverage kiosks once you get inside.

Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular Pumpkins are Spectacular

The pumpkins are why you are going right? They are AMAZING!! There is something so magical about wanting through the trees surrounded by carved pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns.

On a side note: do you know the difference between a carved pumpkin and a jack-o-lantern? A jack-o-lantern has cut through and a carved pumpkin does not. In other words, a jack-o-lantern has a lot of holes and openings while a carved pumpkin is etching on the outside.

If I’m going to use technical pumpkin artist speak, there are a few hundred carved pumpkins and thousands of jack-o-lanterns. The carved pumpkins are beautiful works of art, carefully sculpted by professional pumpkin artists. Each year there is a different theme for the carved pumpkins.

The main draw is the carved pumpkins but the jack-o-lanterns should not be dismissed. There is something so exciting about seeing so many illuminated pumpkins mixed in with the trees lining both sides of the walkway.

Look up

Things really get magical when you look up and there are glowing pumpkins over your head and hanging from the trees. Full disclosure, for safety reasons, the pumpkins hanging from the trees are not real but at night you can’t tell the difference.

Minnesota Zoo Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular

In addition to the pumpkins, the trees are lit up with various colored up lights on the trees and strobe lights to add to the magic. Fog machines and Halloween music and sounds round out the experience.

Every year we have gone to the Minnesota Zoo Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular, I’m amazed by how fast time flies. The website stays the walk is about 40-50 minutes but if you take your time and enjoy the ambiance, you can easily spend a couple of hours without realizing it.

The Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular is not only a good family event but also a very nice date night idea. And is a great way to enjoy the outdoors before the snow flies….

Check out some of my other Fall Adventures:

Minnesota Renaissance Festival:

Twin Cities Oktoberfest

I’m not a professional in any of the topics discussed on Adventures at Home and Away. All content on Adventures at Home and Away is for informational and educational purposes only. All comments made are my personal opinion and should not be used as professional advice.

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