About Me

Thank you for checking out Adventures at Home and Away! I’ve been dreaming about starting a blog for almost 20 years but got caught up in the negatives; are there already too many blogs, what if my niche is too narrow, what if my niche is too broad, what if I’m a bad writer and the big one what if no one reads it!! All excuses I used to hold me back from accomplishing something I have been drawn to for so long. 

Then 2020 happened… I had a milestone birthday that I could not fully celebrate, I started dating the man of my dreams but could not venture too far out of the house for a date, dream vacations were canceled, home improvement projects were delayed, I even had to do meal planning at the grocery store based on what ingredients were available at the time. None of this worked very well with my task-oriented and planner personality.

Like many I found comfort by living vicariously through blogs, websites and seeing photographs of the things and places I enjoy most; planning for the day I could get back to living my best life. I started to notice however many blogs I thought were different were the same article with different branding. The popular top ten lists were lists with links to other blogs that were also a top ten list to other blogs. I even found a recipe that took me to four different blog lists before I found the original recipe!

I knew I could do better. I knew I could share my various experiences and passions (things I have personally done, seen, and tried) with those who may be interested in learning more or for those who just want to dream.

Travel is one of my top passions; both international and domestic; close to home and far away. I’ve been traveling and camping since I was a kid. It was always exciting to see and do something new. There are no countries or cities I’m not willing to explore.

Cooking and food are other passions. I started cooking when I was about ten years old. I love cooking and believe cooking and sharing good food is a way to express love.

Home improvement or construction projects are another important part of my life. As a woman many doubt my ability based on nothing but stereotypes. It is important to show women not only can do these jobs but can do them well.

Many things I do shock people for some reason and I’m not sure why. I don’t think places I travel or projects I complete are all that weird but I’m usually asked the same type of question “why do you want to…?” My reply is always the same “why not!” I challenge everyone to get out and try new things, explore different locations and don’t be afraid to be yourself. Ignore the norm…. give it a try. Why not!