US Travel Destinations

Food and Beverage, Restaurants and Bars, US and International Travel, US Travel Destinations

Bars on Clearwater Beach: 7 bars to get a drink on Clearwater Beach

Planning a trip to Clearwater Beach? No beach vacation would be complete without a cold drink, or three. Check out these 7 bars on Clearwater Beach. It’s no secret a big part of my travel plans revolve around food and drinks. A beach vacation to Clearwater Beach is no exception. I don’t know if it’s the hot weather or the…

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Lifestyle Adventures, US and International Travel, US Travel Destinations

Nine Things to do on Clearwater Beach, FL

Planning a getaway to Clearwater Beach, Florida? There are a lot of things to do in Clearwater, FL! Read more for my top recommendations. I’ve been traveling to Florida for many years. While Bonita Springs has some beautiful beaches, Clearwater Beach is quickly becoming a personal favorite. One of my favorite things to do in Florida is nothing. Yes, sometimes…

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US and International Travel, US Travel Destinations

Clearwater Beach Florida – What I Learned on the Trip

I have been traveling to Florida for many years but I had never been to Clearwater Beach. My default choice for many years has been Bonita Springs for the beautiful beaches. When I got a chance to check out Clearwater Beach, I was hesitant. How could Clearwater Beach be anywhere near as fun as the town I fell in love…

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US and International Travel, US Travel Destinations

Las Vegas Travel – 10 things I wish I knew before my first trip.

I recently returned from my first-ever trip to Las Vegas, Nevada. It was a place I have always wanted to go and finally had a chance. I highly recommend doing some research before going on a trip to a new place but also know the value of just letting yourself explore. Because of this I did some research beforehand and…

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US and International Travel, US Travel Destinations

Bonita Springs, FL – Beautiful Beaches

I’ve been traveling to Bonita Springs Florida for many years now. It started as a place to go for a warm-weather getaway from the cold mid-west winters. A family friend owns a short-term rental property and my parents were offered some time there. Since the house has multiple bedrooms, they extended the invitation to me and my family. I could…

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US and International Travel, US Travel Destinations

New York City, Eight Places that Made me Fall in LOVE!

Once in a while, an opportunity comes up that will change your life. For me, that moment was when I stumbled on an opportunity to go to New York City. I know, it is not exactly earth-shattering as every year millions of tourists visit the Big Apple. But for me, everything changed that first night I wandered the streets. There…

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