Costa Rica Travel Durning Covid

Costa Rica Travel Durning Covid

I recently traveled to Costa Rica. It was my first international trip since Covid and I was excited but nervous. I’ve traveled internationally for many years but this trip was different. It was not different in planning or excitement to experience something new but was different because I didn’t know what to expect with Covid.

I’ll be honest, for the three to four months leading up to the trip, I was not even sure it would happen. I was hearing about airport and border closures. Airlines canceling flights due to low volumes and horror stories about tourists stranded abroad in dismal conditions. Traveling to Costa Rica or anywhere during covid was getting crazy!! After weighing the pros and cons I decided as long as my flight was still on, I was going. I can’t let covid stop me from doing what I love most, TRAVEL!

This post is not intended to spark controversy. The intent is to share what I noticed and learned while traveling to Costa Rica during Covid. When you are in a different country you need to follow and respect local laws, customs, and traditions even if you don’t agree with some. Buying a plane ticket to a foreign country is the equivalent of accepting that country’s terms and conditions. If you can’t accept the way things are in that country, don’t buy the ticket!

San Jose, Costa Rica. Downtown
Downtown San Jose, Costa Rica

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Check Travel Entry Requirements BEFORE you Book your Trip!

Every country has different requirements for tourist entry. If you have ever traveled internationally you know to check for visa requirements or you could be headed back to your home country before you even leave the airport. The same is now true for Covid requirements. Researching before you book Travel allows you the flexibility to determine if you are willing or able to comply with the requirements before you are locked in financially.

At the time of this writing, Costa Rica has two options, you can either show proof of full vaccination at least 14 days prior to arrival or you can purchase travel insurance that covers covid medical costs. For most up-to-date information visit: Entry Requirements | Visit Costa Rica | Costa Rica Tourism Official website

I highly recommend getting travel insurance either way. In the past, I considered this an extra expense that I didn’t need but with the increased risk of canceled flights, delayed tours or the possibility you can’t return home on schedule, having good travel insurance with covid coverage is a must at this time. When things return to normal I will revisit this topic but for now, travel insurance is a MUST!!

Forbes Magazine reviewed many travel insurance companies and plans for covid coverage. This site is a good place to start but do your own research and find what works best for you and your situation. Best Covid-19 Travel Insurance Plans Of 2022 – Forbes Advisor

Within 72 Hours of Travel

All packed and ready to go?? Not so fast, you have one more thing you need to do before you leave for Costa Rica. To save time at Costa Rica Customs and Immigration, you are required to complete the required Health Pass form. Pase de Salud Costa Rica

This site is where you upload a photo of your vaccine card or upload your travel insurance documentation. Once you submit the required details you will receive a QR code. Save a screen print to your phone and have a copy sent to your email. That way you have quick access. Thinking about skipping this step…DON’T, they do check the QR code at customs, no QR code no entry. United Airlines checked for the code before they would let people board the plane. I assume other airlines check as well. There is no way around it.

Costa Rican man wearing a mask and making coffee
Costa Rican man making coffee

Once you arrive in Costa Rica

At the time of this writing, Costa Rica has a mask requirement in all public places. This includes places like grocery stores, museums, restaurants (unless eating or drinking), hotel lobbies, and even public parks if there are a lot of people around. After spending two full weeks traveling around the country, I don’t recall ever seeing anyone not wearing a mask unless they were alone in a park or eating at a restaurant.  Make sure you have enough clean masks for your entire trip.

Buffet restaurants had staff serving food from behind glass. Make sure you learn a few basic words and phrases in the local language before you travel anywhere internationally but with covid changes to buffet dining, learning a few extra words or phrases like; a little, a little more, a lot, 1, 2, 3, 4 and of course please and thank you will help you a lot. Oh, and bring a mask, staff will not serve anyone without a mask on.

Costa Ricans take hand washing seriously. I was surprised how many places have installed sinks and washing stations outside their front door. There were outdoor sinks in front of grocery stores, gas stations, many restaurants, even a church we visited had three sinks so visitors could wash before they entered. If it was a smaller establishment there was a table out front with a large bottle of hand sanitizer. It was not off to the side where you could easily walk by, no these were smack dab in the middle of the doorway.

Costa Rica Travel - Handwashing station
Washing station outside a restaurant in Costa Rica.

Be ready for temperature checks. While not every place we went checked temperatures, many did. Entrance to the National Theater, temperate check. Entrance to Arenal Volcano National Park, temperature check. Tour a coffee plantation, temperature check. While walking around the street of San Jose, one of my travel mates needed a restroom. We found a public restroom but to enter, you guessed it, a security guard checked our temperatures. One thing I did not expect was temperature checks were done on the arm or hand, not the forehead like I’m used to. Either way, be prepared to have someone check your temperature.

Check US Travel Entry Requirements.

At the time of this writing, the US requires all tourists and citizens to provide proof of a negative covid test within 24 hours of arrival regardless of vaccination status. For most current travel information please visit the US Department of State Travel website: COVID-19 Traveler Information (

Many hotels and resorts will help you book your covid test they may even have onsite testing for your convenience. Contact your departure hotel to check. If they don’t offer this service, you can access a list of approved covid testing locations on the US Embassy of Costa Rica website: COVID-19 Information – U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica ( Make sure you schedule departure covid tests the day you arrive to ensure there are appointment times available.

Sink next to a pool table!

You Can’t Travel….You Tested Positive

Most tourists receive a negative covid test so you should not worry about this but if you do test positive and need to stay there are a few things to keep in mind. There are certain hotels approved for covid positive guests. Your hotel can provide you with a list and they may even be an approved location. Sorry, if you think you can just continue to be a tourist and come and go as you please. The hotel will not give you a key to your own room. You will be provided with food but likely not on your schedule and you may not get a choice of food. You can however download the Uber Eats app and order your own food. Check your travel insurance coverage as you may be able to get reimbursement for food. (I know someone who did this as was much happier with Uber Eats.)

Another option is Airbnb or VRBO. Yes, you can quarantine in a private residence making a rental from Airbnb or VRBO possibly a more comfortable option. You will be required to provide your quarantine location and maybe check up on you to ensure you are following policies. Also, please be respectful of your host if you do this and make sure he or she is aware you are quarantining before you book.

Costa Rica Travel During Covid

 Should you Travel

Trust your gut! No one knows your personal situation or comfort level better than you. If your gut says you should not go then postpone until you feel safe. If your gut says to travel, then go!! Travel to Costa Rica!

What differences have you noticed since traveling during Covid?

I am not a professional in any of the topics discussed on Adventures at Home and Away. All content on Adventures at Home and Away is for informational and educational purposes only. All comments made are my personal opinion and should not be used as professional advice.

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