Home Makeover Planning Tips

Home Makeover Planning Tips

Home Makeover Planning

Home makeover shows are one of my favorite things to watch. My social media feeds are full of other people’s projects and inspiration for my current or future home. I LOVE to do, think about, and plan home makeover and improvement projects. The problem; so much to do; so little….money.

When I bought my home in 2010 it was a blank slate. Perfect for a home makeover. Every wall in every room was white and not white paint, it was white primer only. I was excited!!! After having lived in a rented apartment for over 10 years I vowed to NEVER HAVE WHITE WALLS! Buying a home that was a blank canvas was exciting. I could make it any color or colors I wanted. So I went wild. Color trends at the time were much different than they are now so I went bold. Red, blue, green, plum, gray, orange, brown, black…Every room had a different look and style. The makeover was me and I loved it.

Colorful Paint Chips
A few of the hundreds of different colors I was trying.

Fast forward to today. While I still love parts of my original decorating and design choices, much of it requires a makeover. Not only are these changes needed to stay up to date, but it’s also needed as I’m ready to start a new chapter of my life. My home needs to be sale-ready by summer. It’s time: outdated paint needs updating, flooring needs to be replaced, and lighting….don’t get me started on the lighting. Not to mention those little projects that have been in need since day one but never bothered me enough to fix until now. My home needs some love; in need of a home makeover.

Over the next few months, my partner in crime and I will be tackling a list of home makeover projects. Some will be quick and easy while others may take several days. I will be documenting my tips, tricks, and progress. The good, the bad, and replacing the ugly.

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Where to start with planning a home makeover??

The first thing needed is a list. Those who know me, know I LOVE lists. I would make lists of lists. Not only will a list keep you organized but it will also help with budgeting, and planning and keep you on track. The list does not need to be fancy, it can be on your phone, tablet, or old fashion paper.

I prefer to start with paper as I can easily do a brain dump and then transfer it into Excel once my list is complete. (Excel will help with a future phase; The dreaded budget too.) I suggest creating the list in the actual room you intend to makeover. It’s easy to forget about that broken outlet cover behind the dresser but if you are in the room, you are more likely to write it down. Repeat for each room or area of your home. Don’t forget the closets, garage, and outdoor space.

Home Makeover Planning Notebook Page

Speaking from personal experience (yes I’m reworking my home makeover list as we speak), don’t forget the extra accessories and staging items. I made a list of everything I need to makeover my bathroom but forgot to add things like new towels, rug, and artwork. If your existing items will work with the new colors; that is awesome. I however plan to do a more zen-like bathroom so the bright orange towels and rug will no longer cut it.

I have a home makeover list, now what??

Once the makeover list is complete look over each item and determine is this a must-do, should-do, or might-do. Not only does this help determine completion order but also helps if projects are going over budget and makeover tasks need to be cut. The makeover priority category also depends on why you are completing the makeover. Since I’m doing this makeover to get my home sale-ready, my priority list will need to be looked at as if I were a prospective buyer not just what I would like.

First, must-do; think about things that are broken like outlets that don’t work, chipped paint, or damaged flooring. These can also be makeover projects that are important to you. The toilet may be working just fine but if you want more water efficiency replacing the toilet is a must-do. Anything that is considered a deal-breaker should be marked as a must-do. Keep your why in mind when making this decision, since I’m getting ready to sell, my must-do list will include things I don’t use or need but would not pass a home inspection for a prospective buyer.

Home Makeover Must Do List

Now should-do; these are things that would make life better (or more appealing to future buyers). Maybe you still love the paint color in the bedroom but could use a fresh coat. Or your closet could use a better organization system like more shelves. Include things that may make your house stand out in a sale or make you feel better but may not be a good return on your investment. Things that make you happy however are worth the cost.

And finally might-do: these are things that could be done but won’t make or break your makeover. Maybe you would prefer white outlets and outlet covers but the almond color outlets work just fine. This is added to the might-do list. Do not ever delete these items, you never know when something will be under budget or you receive some unexpected money to complete the work.

Catergorize! Wait, why??

Ok so categorizing your home makeover projects may not seem important but hear me out. When completing multi-room makeovers or even single-room updates there will be some projects that cross over. For example, my entryway light has never worked. This has always bothered me but since it’s a vaulted ceiling, it’s not an easy replacement without scaffolding. I also have an outlet that does not work. When I pulled the outlet cover off I saw the cause, the outlet was not connected to any wires, and there were no wires in sight. I have speculations as to what happened but the reality is I need wires to get the outlet to work. Where am I going with this, the entryway light and the outlet with no wires are in two different places but both require electrical work, likely from a professional?

Categorizing the list helps me see patterns, determine if I can combine efforts, and help if I can buy in bulk or want a consistent look across rooms. If I need to hire an electrician for one job I may as well have all the electrical work done at one time.

The categories will vary based on the project but some basics are: electrical, paint, flooring, accents, shelving, wood, supplies, etc. Look for patterns in your list and it’s easy to figure out what categories to use.

Home Makeover Catergorize

Home makeover DIY or hire a pro??

This one may require some soul-searching. Ok so maybe that is a bit much but it does require you to be realistic about your skills, supplies, knowledge, time, and budget. I enjoy doing projects and enjoy learning new things but I’m also being realistic about which projects I can and should tackle myself.

As I mentioned above, replacing the entryway light will require scaffolding or a bigger ladder than I currently own. I have the ability to change out light fixtures however I don’t have the equipment needed to reach it. I may need to hire a pro or rent scaffolding. Since I categorized above I also know I have other electrical work that needs a professional so it may be cheaper to hire for both. Be realistic!!

This home makeover will cost how much??

Now for the dreaded budget…Ok, this is not fun but unless you have a bottomless checking account, this step is vital for home makeover projects. Remember that list you made? It’s time to add up the cost. If you are like me, you may have been thinking about some projects for a while and may have a good idea of how much they will cost.

For me, my biggest design struggle is light fixtures. I don’t know what it is but I struggle to find any lights I like. I could spend hours at the store looking at every light manufactured and still not have anything stand out. While it’s taken me a long time to find something I do have a really good idea of how much lights cost, pendant, ceiling fan, can lights, track lights, sconce, and chandeliers…..I have spent enough time looking to know approximately how much I will need to spend.

Other things, however, (like flooring for me) will require some research. Go online to your local home improvement center and take note of the cost for what interests you. Online calculators can help you determine the square footage of your space and approximate how much you need to buy.

Home Makeover Budget

Don’t forget to research tools or equipment you will need to buy or rent. Did you know a long level is needed to install a toilet? I didn’t until we were elbows deep into the installation. I had a small pocket size level but not one long enough to cross the toilet bowl. Researching how to install a toilet beforehand would have saved me an extra trip to the store.

Will your project require extra hands? Even if you don’t need to hire a professional, family and friends should still be offered pizza and a beer for helping. Add it to the budget!

Always, always budget high, it’s better to have the extra money in the end than have to cut projects because you ran out.

Expect the unexpected.

Now that you have your home makeover list, complete with prioritization and budget, expect there will be unexpected things that come up. Take your budget amount and add a minimum of 20-30% to the cost. More if you’re home makeover involves demolition.

This extra budget helps cover the unanticipated expenses that ALWAYS come up. You never know when you may accidentally lose a special screw down the sink drain or drop a box of ceramic tiles. While you may be able to repurpose the broken tiles into a mosaic, that may not be the look you are going for and you will need to buy more.

Expect the Unexpected

You may also discover the previous owner of your home did things…..well differently. You may need to fix their mistakes or you may need a tool you didn’t expect. I always thought spending money on a circuit tester was a waste of money. Then when changing out a light fixture I realized the previous resident jimmy-rigged the wiring. I had no way to know which wires were the live wires. I now own a circuit tester that was not originally in the budget.

Even the best-laid plans have twists and turns. With home makeovers and improvement projects, you must expect the unexpected and put some extra cash aside to cover it.

Follow these basic steps to get your home makeover project started. Come back to see the progress!!

What other things do you do to prepare for a home makeover project?

I am not a professional in any of the topics discussed on Adventures at Home and Away. All content on Adventures at Home and Away is for informational and educational purposes only. All comments made are my personal opinion and should not be used as professional advice.

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