Twin Cities Oktoberfest-Six Reasons you Should Not Miss It

Twin Cities Oktoberfest-Six Reasons you Should Not Miss It

For several years I heard about the Twin Cities Oktoberfest and wanted to go but it never worked into my schedule. This year however was different. As I mentioned in my post about the MinnesoThai Street Food Festival, I am on a mission to attend more festivals and events this fall. The Twins Cities Oktoberfest was one of the top things on my list. I could not wait to go.

Twin Cities Oktoberfest

The Twin Cities Oktoberfest runs for two days, in early October, and it is hosted at the Historic Progress Center on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. The location is perfect, there is plenty of parking and the long hall is ideal for the rows of communal tables that give it an authentic look and feel. I’m so happy I finally found the time to attend. I will absolutely have it on my must-do list for years to come.

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Hey, where is the German beer?

One of the reasons the Twin Cities Oktoberfest is unique is where they source their vendors. It’s ALL LOCAL! Yes, this Oktoberfest is 100%, local vendors! Minnesota has a huge population of Germans in fact it is one of the largest ethnicities reported in a previous census. That means locals have a good idea of what good Oktoberfest Beer tastes like and how to make a good German bratwurst. Don’t discount the authenticity of the Twin Cities Oktoberfest because it’s 100% local. I for one am all for supporting local businesses and when the locals know German, this Oktoberfest must be the real deal…or as close to the real deal outside Munich, Germany.  

Twin Cities Oktoberfest local brewery

Twin Cities Oktoberfest is Small but Mighty

While the Twin Cities Oktoberfest does not take up multiple city blocks like the Oktoberfest Zinzinnati in Cincinnati it does have plenty to see and do. The two-night event has live polka music, traditional German dancers, Stein holding completions, Hammer-Schlagen, and of course, beer and food!! We planned on going for a drink and dinner then heading home. One and a half, two hours max but three hours later we were still sitting there enjoying the festivities. We were having such a good time we lost track of time. Definitely, a high-quality problem to have!!!

Oktoberfest Hall

I was impressed to see so many people dressed up in authentic German clothing. At least 1/3 or more of the people in attendance were dressed up. It was fun to see all of the outfits but I especially like seeing the little kids dressed up. So cute but also it’s nice to see traditions and cultural history passed along to the next generation.

The music and dancers at the Twin Cities Oktoberfest were wonderful. I love all kinds of music but I have to admit, polka music is not something I listen to very often. I was unsure how long I could listen but this band mixed traditional polka songs with more current songs with a polka twist. It was so much fun.

Traditional German Dancers at Oktoberfest

Great Beer

Enough said right!?!?! Ok, it goes without saying a good Oktoberfest would not be complete without beer. The Twin Cities Oktoberfest does not disappoint. Four local breweries offer their best beer and hard cider including my personal favorite Oktoberfest! They also offered three different types of wine for those who may not like beer or hard cider.

Twin Cities Oktoberfest has Amazing Food

The second-best thing (after the beer) at the Twin Cities Oktoberfest is the food! There were several options including bratwursts, European pancakes, sweet and savory pies, popcorn, pretzels, and spiced nuts. All looked incredible. I had a difficult time deciding if I wanted a brat or a potato pancake. Both looked and smelled delicious. I opted for the cheddar brat and I’m glad I did. It was delicious!! The owner of Gerhard’s bratwursts uses a recipe that replicates his Austrian grandma’s bratwursts. Come on…everyone knows any recipe that includes “grandma’s” has to be good. This was no exception!! Juicy and very flavorful!!

Twin Cities Oktoberfest Bratwurst and Beer

The potato pancakes looked good too and I probably should have tried both but I had my eye on something else… a German pretzel…

German Soft Pretzels

The pretzels at the Twin Cities Oktoberfest deserve a separate call out from the other food. These were delicious!! Aki’s Bread Haus hits it out of the park on their pretzels! The owner is a German native who missed the smells and flavors of baked goods from home. No one can say these are not authentic. The pretzels were perfect, chewy on the outside, soft and moist (sorry to those who hate that word) on the inside, and perfectly salted. As delicious as the pretzels are alone, the garlic cheese dip was OUT OF THIS WORLD!! Other than garlic I have no idea what was in this dip but it was FENAMONAL!! I could have eaten it with a spoon!!

Aki Bread Haus Pretzel at Twin Cities Oktoberfest

I know this is a post about the Twin Cities Oktoberfest but I need to give a shout-out to this bakery, Aki Bread Haus, they do have a brick-and-mortar in Northeast Minneapolis. Don’t wait for the next Oktoberfest, check it out anytime.

Music, dancing, and an all-around good time

The Twin Cities Oktoberfest was so much more fun than I expected but was everything I hoped for. All though I still want to go to Germany for Oktoberfest, this is the next best thing!

Other than in Germany, what is your favorite Oktoberfest location?

Twin Cities Oktoberfest

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