Last weekend I went to the World Snow Sculpting championship in Stillwater Minnesota. It was SO COOL! Both literally and figuratively!! I’m amazed by the talent of these artists.
Not that I expected a bunch of amateur-looking snowmen like I’d see driving around any neighborhood this time of year. But these sculptures were true works of art that in a couple of months will slowly melt away. Gone forever, giving way to grass and spring flowers.

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Embrace the Weather
Growing up in the Midwest means we get a lot of snow and “cold” temps. I use quotes around cold because the definition of cold varies depending on who you ask. Even in Minnesota, there are differing opinions. Some say anything below zero is cold. Others say anything below 15 degrees is cold. Diehards will say it’s not cold until it’s -15 degrees. And a few will say it’s only cold if there is wind.
Whatever your definition of cold is, doesn’t matter. The reality is, we still enjoy being outdoors even in the winter. Midwesterners who don’t (or can’t) enjoy being outdoors in the winter, are snowbirds. They live in warmer climates when the temps start to drop and the snow starts to fly. Then come back in the spring.
Those of us who stay here, need to get out of the house when we can. The World Snow Sculpting Championship was a great way to get outside!

What is the World Snow Sculpting Championship
The World Snow Sculpting Championship brings together 12 snow sculpting teams from around the world. This year teams represented the countries of; Canada, Argentina, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Mexico, Turkey, and the US. Even warm weather climates are represented. On a side note, many of these teams are part of sand sculpting competitions too.
Over the course of the five days, teams create massive works of art out of a 10-foot by 10-foot block of compacted snow.
The contestants use everything from shovels to machetes to clay carving tools and various shaped trowels. I even saw someone using sandpaper to smooth out the finish. The only rule is no power tools. So everything is done by hand!!
Where is the World Snow Sculpting Championship
The World Snow Sculpting championship is a five-day festival held in downtown Stillwater. The first four days are the actual sculpture work with the judging in the afternoon of the 4th day. Day 5 is a day to just enjoy the completed sculptures.
We went on the afternoon of day four. There were still a couple of teams doing light finishing touches but most of the sculpting was already completed. Looking back, I would love to go multiple times to see the progress and spend more time watching the actual sculpting process.
Maybe next year I’ll go on Friday afternoon too.

How did I Hear About this Event?
I found out about the World Snow Sculpting championship using my favorite go-to site for things to do around home. Explore Minnesota!! It was at the same time I found the MinnesoThai Street Food Festival last fall. I kept the information tab open on my iPad for over 6 months so I would not forget.
While doing a little digging and found out this year was only the second annual. I love trying new things but they are even better when they are new. That way I can watch it grow year over year and I can say I have been going since day one.
What to Wear to the World Snow Sculpting Championship
I have to state the obvious, the World Snow Sculpting championship is outside. For those who live here, you know to check the weather forecast before you go. Dress for the weather! This includes our shoes. I saw several people walking around with tennis shoes. Walking on cold slippery snow for an hour, I’m sure their feet were cold.
Speaking of slippery snow…the more people in attendance the more packed the snow gets. This makes for a slippery walk around the sculptures. There is a sidewalk around part of the event but everywhere. If you have balance concerns or struggle walking on icy, plan accordingly.

What to expect
After reading about last year’s event, I found out they added a warming house this year. This means if you get cold, you can go inside and warm up!! The warming house is actually the ballroom of the Water Street Inn. There were displays from the event sponsors, local vendors, and World Snow Sculpting Championship souvenirs.
There is also a heated concession tent at the World Snow Sculpting championship . I know, that doesn’t sound exciting. The only reason I’m calling it a concession tent is that is what the venue calls it. Most of us would call it a beer tent! Yes, they have a beer and wine tent on site. It’s open on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the event.
Downtown Stillwater event planners are excellent at keeping things local so in true fashion, the beer and wine were all from local breweries and wineries, and the food is sold by the local Lions Club.
In Addition to the Snow Sculptures
I did not partake in any of the additional events but looking back I wish I had. Saturday night after the award ceremony was the “World’s Coolest Block Party.” You got it!! A block party in the winter!! And not inside the tent or ballroom but outside at the gazebo. Because… why not!! If you are confused, re-read the Embrace Winter section at the beginning of this post.
Are Midwesterners crazy? Maybe but life is too short to stay inside in the winter.

Would I go to the World Snow Sculpting Championship?
ABSOLUTELY!!! Like with any new event the World Snow Sculpting championship is on the small side and could use a bit of work on the flow of foot traffic. But the fantastic artwork these snow sculpture artists create is breathtaking. Add in the beer and wine tent and a block party… sold!
I love that this event brings in teams from around the world. Canada, Argentina, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Mexico, Turkey, and of course the U.S. are all-embracing the winter. Cold and all!!
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